A Few Effective and Cheap Web Design Tips that Attract More People

Making a website attractive and easy to scroll is essential to increase the audience. There are numerous Cheap Web Design tips that businesses can implement to do so. Some of these include using visual cues, long pages, etc.

With the total number of websites almost touching 2 billion, the burden is now on web design companies to deliver a unique and appealing product to clients. The rising number of such companies has also created significant competition.

Businesses also look for a website that stands out from their competitors. As per The Effect of Aesthetics on Web Credibility, first impressions are 94% times related to design. 88% of visitors are less likely to return to a site after a substandard experience according to The Gomez Report.

Firms don’t have to sweat as there are aplenty Cheap Web Design tricks that can attract the audience without lowering bounce rate.

Few such effective tips are mentioned below:

  1. Using images of people

Putting large-scale images of people in home pages is one of the ideal ways of increasing visitors through web design. Basecamp found that doing so escalates the conversion rates of businesses by more than 102%.

However, using cheap stock images with Web Design London is not the right way to do the above. The reason:

Hence, companies must put only premium stock photos or use pictures of individuals they know personally.

  1. Refrain from using sudden dark colours

One essential Cheap Web Design tip is to not use dark colours suddenly on a page. Dark colours are generally added to a website at the bottom. Hence, visitors assume they have reached the end.

Adding a sudden patch of dark colour in the middle will indicate the same. An individual stops scrolling after coming across the same even though there is more to the website.

These are known as “false bottoms”, and companies must refrain to use these in their websites.

  1. Make a long scrollable page

The majority of web design companies craft websites with sliders, tabs, accordions, and carousels.

The problem is that the majority of people ignore all of these. Hence, having a long page that includes all the information is the right way to go.

Up to 76% visitors scan through a site without. So, having a long scrollable page can make them stay longer on the page.

Applying effects like parallax scrolling to a one-page website can increase traffic even more. Web Design London companies have expertise in implementing such effects.

  1. Use visual cues

Having a pop-up to ask individuals to subscribe or register only makes them skip the same. Visitors consider these exceptionally annoying.

Using images of people or arrows that point to forms are more effective. These visual cues can guide individuals’ eye to a specific section of a page according to a study by CXL.

Employing these simple and easy tips on a website can increase traffic along with conversion rates considerably.