New Tools For Designers In August 2013

In August 2013, there have been some new tools introduced that can be helpful for designers that includes jquery resources, new web applications, coding resources, color resources, tools of responsive design and some amazing new fonts. Most of the tools listed below are low in cost and some of them are free and it is very useful for developers and designers.

Type Wolf

Are you looking to get inspired with typography, then Type wolf is the most recommended site for you. It not only offers a good typographical inspiration, but it also has the ability to identify fonts that can be utilized.

Bootstrap 3

Bootstrap is around the corners for quite some time now. It is coming up with numerous new features since the launch of last version. It contains at least 1600 commits and more than 72000 additions and deletions. So everything has been changed.


Bytesize is an audio and video program that is about development, design and tech. With the help of this you can read summaries and latest news on the website, which also includes links that connects you to original articles.


It is a credit-card input, which communicates credit card details that are entered.

Responsive Web Layout

With the help of responsive web layout you can quickly and easily layout pages for websites from several devices. Now, you don’t need to spend hours to design your pages manually. It facilitates to layout the page, sets views for devices and downloads the site. For separating various sections of pages you can add divisions and also rename and remove them just by clicking the button.


Colorgorize consists of a bunch of website design galleries that are sorted by a color. You can search by specifying the color and browse the sites.


It is a tool that is used for controlling the windows with shortcut keyboard keys. Spectacle lets you know the functionalities of each key, which will ultimately enable you to control the work flow. It is easy to use and can be maintained easily. It is an open source project that can be freely used. enables you to annotate and share screen shots and pictures. All that you have to do is to drop and drag your pictures into the page and use the tools for sharing and annotation.


Pico is the flattest, fastest and simplest content management system that does not use any data base. It makes use of twit template engines for flexible and powerful themes and the best thing about this is that it is open source and free.


With the help of webflow you can design responsive sites with immaculate control. It includes versioning, responsive grid, custom forms and web-fonts support.


Typewonder enables you to preview and test web fonts easily without coding. All that you need to do is to enter your websites URL and pick up a font for getting started.

Cloud Cannon

Cloud cannon facilitate you to create hosted content management system from CSS and HTML in seconds.


August 2013 is an exciting month for web designers as several new tools have come up that makes the web designers work even easier and better. There are some amazing tools and techniques of responsive design that have been introduced in August 2013 and the best thing about them is they are easy to use without much technical difficulties and are low in cost.