Things to remember for improving websites visibility

Improving your websites visibility is not at all difficult, but as everything takes time to happen even websites visibility takes time to happen. It also depends upon your ambitions, size of your business, your competitors and most importantly your investment. Money spent on improving your websites visibility is not money spent it is money invested.

Here are some of the things to be remembered for improving your websites visibility


Making it easier for the crawlers

For making things easier for crawlers you need to get rid of java script navigation and flash. Crawlers won’t be able access your web pages, if it is used with Java script navigation and Flash. You should also avoid using badges and widgets as search engines will have trouble reading the framed content.

Reconstruct your website content

You need to reconstruct your websites content again and again so that the web pages can be easily navigated and accessed. The home page is the most important aspect of website because it is the first page your visitors will access. It should introduce your business in a very authentic manner and should also give links that navigates the visitors to the shop and contact section.

Creating valuable content

Creating superior quality content gives great value. The content should be written in such a manner that it should be able to tackle a problem. A good and informative blog would be the best option for improving your websites visibility. If a reader is impressed with your blog he will surely share it with his friends, which increases your websites visibility.

Paid directory services

A paid directory service is quite expensive as it would cost around hundred dollars on a yearly basis, but the best thing about this service is that it brings enough return on investment that would be surely more than the amount you have invested.

Regularly updating your blog content

If you regularly update your blog content your website will be ranked on the top list of search engines. A frequently updated blog section with a valid URL will surely boost your websites ranking.

Being active on social media platforms

Just by creating a business page on social media platforms like face book, twitter and pinterest will not fetch you much. For increasing traffic on your website you need to comment, interact, follow and like others. These things might take time to fetch results but they pay really well in the long run.

Commenting on blog postings

Posting meaningful comments will encourage discussion. Readers and blog owners will be willing to learn more things from you and will ultimately end up clicking your website. Blog commenting will not necessarily get you clicks right away, but it will give you an opportunity to make friendship with the people, who are engaged in doing the same things you do.

Using premiums themes

Premium themes would be expensive; a good premium theme would cost you at least 30 pounds. They are worth to be used if they if they have great navigation, excellent SEO, technical support and polished design. It not only gets your website a professional look but it also boosts your search engine rankings.


For improving your websites visibility you need to follow a number of things like reconstructing your website, blog commenting, paid directories, develop valuable content, activity on social media platforms and many more things as discussed in this blog. The internet is becoming competitive day by day and particularly those businesses, which are totally dependent on the internet for creating sales should be active in all the things I have discussed in this blog.