What Statistics Have To Say About Pinterest Users?

The first question that would trigger in your mind is why people are so interested in Pinterest? It has been found that Conversion rates from Pinterest traffic is around 50% higher compared to other conversion rates from any other traffic. Pinterest is known to be a top social media site which acts as an influential advertising tool.

Pinterest evolved as the most amazing platform to customers as soon as it has launched the Guided Search function. Pinterest can certainly turn out to be a leading e-commerce player. RJMetrics have conducted a study on 50,000 pinners and this is a way through which you can possibly identify how people are making use of Pinterest.

But, the question may remain that who actually is the Pinterest audience?

  1. Women post more pins than men

Through an effective study, it is found that around 80% of pinners are women. Along with this woman are found to post around 92% of pins on the site.

Though the social site appears to be largely dominated by women, but the percentage has widely increased in last three years from 87 to 94 percent.

  1. Which categories are interesting?

It is found that on an average around 158 pins have been posted by female Pinterest users. There are different categories available, which may include:

  1. Domains dominating the market

Businesses or brands that make use of Pinterest can benefit from the fact that you can possibly attach a specific URL to each pin. When the RJMetrics make use of the user-generated content sites such as Tumblr and BlogSpot and there are some of the top domains found that have come up with ranking on basis of repins which may include:

But, it is also a known fact that Etsy is the dominator when it comes to number of repins. Still only 8% of pins comes directly from Etsy.

  1. Prime time to pin

There are some seasonal trends experienced in such type of pins when it comes to sharing by users. Holiday-themed pins appear to be quite convincing in August, while gardening pains are much more in the beginning of December. Whereas, in the beginning of a new year, health and fitness pins are quite high.

Below is the chart that will reflect the prime pinning times of day.

What Pinterest has to deliver in future?

With the introduction of Guided search feature, the Pinterest is capturing the search market, though this social media site does not believe in challenging Google directly.

The new search functionality of the site and the idea has shifted from test-based search engines. It has created a room for innovation and has been much more advanced in comparison to previous capabilities.