Guest Blogging Without Becoming A Spammer

TheGuest Blogging Without Becoming A Spammerre is a lot of talk happening about the quality of a guest blog. You will find several guest blogs that are not up to the desired standards. And this is considered as a paid link according to Google, instead of a manner of gaining exposure and directing traffic. Google’s engineer Matt cutts has recently explained the ways for guest blogging without being considered as paid links. Continue reading

Introduction To Seo And Integrated Marketing

Integrated MarketingThe SEO industry is varying at a rapid pace. Previously if a website needed to result in search engine results it required a few ingredients that are clean and crawl able information, strong technical background and good use of keywords on the URLs and the pages. But, now the ingredients and rules have considerably changed, you should be knowledgeable about responsive design, branding, content implementation, design, strategy, structured data, social media and analytics and this list is going to go further in the coming years. As a good online marketer, you should have Continue reading